Thursday, November 26, 2009


Today I went walking! I meandered around town, going to the coffee shop, shoppers drug-mart to get some more Tylenol (damn you tooths! you will be defeated by the dentist soon!!!!), then to the bakery for cookies and bread, and finally a stop by the Asian food shop before heading home.

It was a really beautiful day, with a blue sky, crisp air, and happy people wandering all about. There was also a drunk guy who crossed the street and narrowly avoided being run-over, subsequently causing a traffic thingy. I'm not sure he noticed, since he was looking down, and his eyes were closed (from what I could see). Ah, Terrace.

The sun and rain have taken away the snow, but it will be back soon, I have no doubt.

I have been watching Dragonball Z from the beginning (I've only ever seen individual episodes before, but I have had a rough explanation of events), and It is oddly good. I have just made it through the Freeza Saga.


That is all for now, to everyone reading this, Have a Good day!
- Otto von Andrew

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