Monday, February 21, 2011

Lists & Coffee

Good morning, I'm speaking to you from beyond the binary. I am drinking a hearty cup of coffee now, and it is yummy in my stummy, but on to other matters.

The compy and all computer systems seem to be fine. As a follow up to my last (long ago) post, I got my computer fixed, under warranty, for the low price of 16 dollars in shipping costs (it did have to go to Illinois or someplace like that).

Now on to greater endeavours. But First - a word from our sponsor:

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So what have I been up to, well, since I can't tell you in song (this is a written blog after all), ill give you fine readers the low-down... whatever that term really means.

1) I have been working on a game system. I wanted to make a basic game system that could be used for superheroes and that kind of thing. So I put to work making a system based around freedom of action and superpowers. I even was able to test run the thing with Allison, and it proved that my system needed a few upgrades. It has taken lots of time, but it seems like it could be pretty fun. Also, looking at it afterwards, I came to the conclusion that it could actually be used in other settings, not just superheroes. So I seem to have made a universal game system by accident. Oh well. :V

2) Watching lots of superhero shows/movies. This is where I was getting a lot of inspiration from, and lemme tell you; there is a lot of superhero shows. Recently I have been watching: Batman the brave and the bold, Legion of superheroes, Super Hero Squad Show, The Avengers Earths Mightiest Heroes, The Spectacular Spiderman, X-men evolution, and Young Justice. Frick yeah that's a lot of super.

3) Working the Grind. I have been working a lot, and although that's nothing interesting to yammer on about, I have gained some seniority at copperside, and am now "trusted" to not fuck everything up (a trait sorely lacking in many other employees). However, I also had an interview again for Seven Sisters, and the interview went, well, perfectly. I answered all the questions with great answers, I knew what I was talking about concerning schizophrenia, and I was consistently able to make the interviewers happy/laughing, which is an important indicator of positive reactions. I await a phone call.

4) I did get sick again, but only briefly, though I did miss a day of work. Thankfully most of my sickness happened on my two days off..... on valentines day..... blarg. Anywho, I am better, and now have only a slight case of the sniffles.

5) I have been drawing a whole bunch, mostly of the microhero and pixel art variety, which I believe will be my prominent media of art for a great long time. I have posted a bunch of it on deviant art, at and will soon be posting more junk. I have made reworked LGC characters (some vastly reworked, as the old ones now look silly by comparison), Justice League, and a variety of other characters, including Wolverine, Superman, September soldier, and the awesome Costumed Crime fighter - Squarebear.

6) I am Squarebear.

That's all for now, Good luck, and gods speed.
- Andrew