Sunday, September 26, 2010

Devourer of Time

Well, upon the promise of updating more, I was set upon by an enjoyable behemoth of a monster. This Monster i will call Minecraft. Those not familiar with minecraft, I will explain.

It is a computer game, in which you are plopped down in a randomly generated world. this world consists wholly of 1m x 1m cubes, and is heavily pixellated. it is also heavily addicting. you can collect resources, and build items and buildings, and use them to refine resources into better resources. also, there is day and night, and during the day, there are pigs, sheep, cows, and chickens all about. at night however, there are zombies, skeleton archers, giant spiders, and explosive mutant-creepers. It is very fun and addicting, and I have played far too much of it (my number 1 world could give Moria a run for its money).

Aside from that, there was an awesome wedding which I did attend. Kathy got married, and there was sooo much dancing, music, and fun times. Not to mention the ceremony was held at the Japanese gardens.... omg terrace has a Japanese gardens!!!...when did that happen...

I have also been watching some quite good anime's of recent, namely Berserk and Last Exile. Both rewatches for me, bu I like them both, Berserk with its medieval epic, and Last Exile with its deiselpunk themes.

Finally, I have been reading spectacular comics. I now have a new favourite comic book series. Atomic Robo. its the continuing stories of the Atomic Robo, a nuclear powered automatic intelligence built by Tesla, who takes part in ww2 vs. the nazis, and leads a team of Action Scientists to save the world. Yep. Super Freakin Awesome. Read It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thats all for now.

- Atomic Robo... I mean.... Andrew

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I am Back, Part 2

I am indeed back, and I hurt from glorious combat. The first utterance upon my arrival being an all too enthusiastic "Woo Hoo! the pain has returned!!!" from Keith. It was really fun, but I have fallen out of the limited shape I was in. No Matter, I will return to power.

On the drive home, I was thinking to myself - as I often do - about my latest activities, such as watching a lot of the video's from "That Guy with The Glasses". If you have not heard of it, check it out, as there is much geekery and the like. In any case, I got to thinking of the reasoning - or importance if you will - of the video watching.

That is to say I was contemplating the intrinsic value of watching so many videos. Part of me supposed that it was mindless brain-rot to have on in the background, and it is a viable possibility. However, in an act of self-reflective cognitive dissonance, I argued that there is a value to it. For example, watching the videos of Linkara, who makes it his business to verbally (and occasionally physically) trash bad comics. Although bad comics by themselves serve no real benefit, he imparts knowledge of other good comics and comic book characters as well.

thus was the avalanche of understanding - although being strange knowledge, it is in fact knowledge, which is inherently valuable. Comic book knowledge, although based on entertainment, is a human endeavour. It is an area of human knowledge, with thousands, if not millions of minds thinking about the same thing, knowing the same characters, acknowledging the same characters values, and partaking in the same rich mythologies.

At which point it occurred to me that comic books, for all their childish beginnings, form a strange cultural blip. Consider the following (Bill Nye); in countries across the globe, wherever there is relatively modern societies, people will have heard of the same character - Superman. Moreover, many cultures have taken this character and fused him with their own values, while retaining the original. It would be difficult to find anyone in the modern world who could not answer the simple question "Who is Superman?".

I suppose I will leave it there for now.
- The Andrew

I'm Back...

Oh Hello There!

Well, it has been an age since I last graced the webways with my banter, and due to surprisingly popular demand, I am back on the air... um... nets. Unfortunately I am left with the dilemma that sometimes occurs with the majority of the population when faced with the question of "what has been going on?". From this disharmonious statement, one must draw upon the horrid truth that - in purest fact - nothing out of the ordinary has been happening.

This is the essential reason I have not updated in a while, marching alongside the powers of procrastination and laziness, and then there's the robots.

However, I will note some of the basic events of the past while:

1) Lots of work. holy crap, lots of friggin work, which is both good and bad. Work has been plagued by incompetent coworkers, unreliable coworkers, and other interesting shinanigans involving threats of various kinds upon myself. Nothing serious, but there are some crazies out there.

2) I have not been boffering in quite a while, due to weather, other activities, and aforementioned Laziness, though I will be in attendance tomorrow.

3) I have been gearing up my D&D junk to run James and Alex through some adventures when there is a day where we all have the night off. I will be running them first through a well known dungeon in the andrewverse of gaming history, involving rat people, open sewers, underground lakes, more open sewers, rat-assassins, and jays character falling into open sewers.

4) I have been trying to watch some more movies and shows, because they re fun.

5) I recently finished a book, lent to me - by mistake or design - by Kelly before she moved east. It is called "Talk to the hand", and is about the decline of politeness in our society (with a subtext of the author being driven insane by it).

6) I am a Squarebear.

7) talk like a pirate day is coming up soon, so everybody be ready (September 19th).

8) I recently got to see some dragonboat races, and let me tell you! it was less exciting than I thought it would be. Oh well, still good overall.

9) Back to D&D, when I was just starting university, and I was bored with no friends about to hang out with (which is much the same situation here in the wee hours of the morning), I would make random D&D characters. these characters could be used at a moments notice in the case of a pickup game, and it was fun to make characters. I have started doing this again, though only a few. It is fun, and I am reliving geekness.

That's it for now I think, I am happy to update again!
- Squarebear

Current Music: "Over the hills and far away", by Nightwish