Friday, October 30, 2009

Sweet Potato

Well, I did not post yesterday, as there was this big thing, with being called into work at 7:30 to finish up something my coworker didn't do the night before (its not her fault, I mean, she hasn't been trained to do closing properly, so obviously she may miss a few things). So I worked about half an hour before getting tasks done, and going home to try to sleep again, not getting to sleep till 11. Then I had to wake up and go to work at 2, which went fairly well.

Long day, thus did not post.

Whats for today?, well, in an hour and a bit, I need to go get my pay cheque, and cash it, and get rent money to bring back here, and then get ready for work again.

I think tonight I will tackle making a Jack-0-lantern.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Quite Random Etymologising

No, I doubt that's a word.

I have been trying to come up with a new word for the gradual slide back into Classicism. Not the struggle of classes, but rather the functionalist utilitarian world view. Think of the industrial revolution, and how man was often idealised as a cog within the machine. During that time people thought, lived, and made art in a very structured realist manner.

Then Romanticism came, and people began to have more of a mindset based in aesthetic beauty, emotion, contextual meaning, and freedom of thought.

However, I sincerely believe we (we being the western culture, and possibly by vicarious nature, the whole world) are changing back to a classicist nature. Not wrought by industrial revolution, and the modern miracle of assembly lines, but rather by the presence of Computers. In the same manner that computer programs rely on "if-then" scenarios, and a veritable field of contingency reactions, I think we (again, the above definition) are gradually thinking more and more like this.

This manner of thinking seems to allow well for standardised thought and action (note: not necessarily uniformed, but standardised), but seems to negate the usefulness of very important skills, nearly lost now - deduction, wisdom, and common sense.

For now, I will refer to this as "Contingencism": the cultural, legal, and mental movement wherein intuition and common extrapolation are disregarded, in lieu of reliance on standardised conditional responses.

I seem to have ranted, how unfortunate, I hope it was interesting.

- Andrew D. Oates

The Sitcom Cafe

Yes, the cafe I work at is strange. One coworker went crazy from working at the cafe. My boss is currently staying at our house because his house is flu-ridden, and he is on immune-suppressing-medication. We had a charismatic guy get fired because he had stolen 500 dollars (or thereabouts) from the till over the course of his first month.

Anyways, I'm going to try to limit myself to one post per day, or not, maybe ill post 9 posts a day, who knows. Whatever I feel like I suppose.


Current Song: "The Metal" by Tenacious D.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Post, the Second.

Okay, I had a day off yesterday, in which I cleaned and other junk. So much cleaning. I also shopped, cooked, and devised the meaning of life (pro-tip: its to be happy, and try to ensure that others are equally happy). I am going to try to keep all my posts fairly short, both so I can keep up writing (I don't want to write an essay every post), and so people don't get overwhelmed by the amount of text (the TLDR syndrome).

That's about it, Ive been drawing a lot of mecha-things recently, and I had a dream about working at the cafe last night, that was disturbing, but fun in an odd way. I think I may be enjoying work.

- Andrew the guy

Sunday, October 25, 2009

First post on this Blog thing

As my first post, let me say that not everyone has a cell phone with which to verify their blog account. I had to use a friends cell phone.

Anyways, the point of the blog is to rant about whatever comes to mind, story, explanation, "that's cool", recounting of my day, whatever. I'm going to try this, as now that I am out of school, I have no outlet for writing, and a fair bit of time on my hands (when not working).

Thus, Enjoy.

- Andrew the Oates