Monday, December 7, 2009

Another week of work

Well, I have concluded another week of work, which for me, is unfortunately only about 14-15 hours. However, in order to stay afloat, I need approximately 12 hours a week for: rent and basic food. So another week of staying afloat. Like a Styrofoam block.

Anyways, my kettle seems to be broken, it still turns on, but it does not seem to heat water. I had to use a pot to boil water for coffee.....ghetto...

However, I feel goodly this morning, I got a lot of sleep last night, nearing 10 hours. That's good sleeping.

That's it for now, war out.
- Andrew of the Coffee Valley

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Stuff 3.14

I got another dentist appointment, this time to have my teeth cleaned. I have discerned something from this latest appointment, namely that dental hygienist sometimes giggle and smirk if you refer to your plaque as "defensive armour". This came about in a cute manner, as I was clearly and humourously faking distress - "Oh Noes! my defensive armour!!!". So what else is new... um... nothing... so I suppose I'll just make up stuff.

Alex has become a Demon Lich, and has cast spells on the apartment above us. They should be turning into cthulu-spawn anytime now.

Terrace is now the official home of Breakfast in Bed.

My power level is over 9000. Actually its only 21, but thats still pretty good. Also, apparently according to the chart in the PHB, my strength score for D&D (3/3.5 at least) is 19, go superhuman ability!!

The Jade Monkeys power resides within each and every one of you, all you have to do is believe.

May be tomorrow I will be able to think of more random real stuff to talk about, but for now I am spent. Good luck, and Godspeed.
- Andrew Oates, Private Dick