Sunday, July 10, 2011


Meow my good friends.

I would like to make a big thankyou to Rob and Jamie for helping me move all my stuff, and my gods there was a lot of it. Especially since I got a rather unfriendly ultimatum from alex requesting that I get lost. However, that is in the past now, and the future looks happier.

I ended up actually leaving a lot of little stuff there, since I didnt want anymore tantrums about packing up my stuff. things like soy sauce, some foods, some toiletries, etc...

Now I will have to go get more supplies, and be a happier panda.

- Panda!

Friday, July 8, 2011

One Hell of a Hell

Howdy fine readers

Well, there is good news and bad news; the good news being that I am moving in with Allison, while the bad news is that alex has gotten very angry at this prospect.

Having given him over a months notice that I was moving, and 4 months notice that I was looking for a new place, I don't think I "sprung" this on him. However, he is annoyed, which has become frantic - today while packing, he unpacked my stuff, taking things out that he claimed was his. It was aggravating to say the least, I have already lost a cookie tin, a casserole dish, a girl guides cookie cutter (that belonged to Allison) and a few others, though he tried to claim much more.

So I decided at work that I would move early - how early? - tomorrow. so the landlady said this was okay, and I will meet her tomorrow. I also got a hold of BC hydro, and started an account. I still need to talk to telus tomorrow about Internet, but I can go without for a few days. I will use my phone more.

Finally I figured everything out, and was all ready to face my long evening of work and packing, and then my vision went fuzzy. I was getting a migraine. Of course.

So I took lots of Advil, and it minimized the effects to a dull roar. I was able to get all my work and planning and organizing done, and now I will be moving stuff tomorrow.


Here is hoping for better times in the next few days.
- Panda

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Out of the Ordinary

Here is a 5 minute movie review by me (as an excerpt from an MSN conversation with a friend).


I don't even know where to begin... It's from 1980. Okay, well, there is a spaceship full of Amazonian evil space pirate women, and the ship is a blatant rip-off of a star destroyer. These women superpeople are trying to stop a group of rebel superwomen who are hiding on earth as pet shop saleswomen who sell Gamera to a small child. Also, the women have superpowers from magical dance routines. And they can become small.

Gamera is fighting every monster again in a giant brawl, and they just keep showing up from previous footage and other strange places. The method of getting space monsters to the surface to fight seems to be by dropping them ingloriously from orbit. They clearly cannot fly or even stabilise themselves when falling.

There is also a small child who sets gamera free in a river, who keeps dreaming of anime with Gamera superimposed over the anime. well known anime too, so it is really weird. this happens for no apparent reason.

Oh, and the child gets to fly away with the space women into space. Also, one of the monsters uses anti-energy rainbows to electrify Tokyo.

That covers the basics I think. This movie was harder to watch, and seemed longer than, Spacegodzilla.

- Panda

Monday, May 2, 2011

Long time in the making.

An Update, a short one to be precise.

well, since the last time I updated, many things have happened. The business with the fellow whom I drove to the bus station resolved itself. Furthermore, I have been having very calm and happy times since, so perhaps that is some sort of karmic restitution of sorts.

I have begun to read one of the English classic novels which I have always intended to read - the tale of Moby Dick. It is very meticulous in its detail, as well as its ranting, but it is strangely capturing.

I have been updating more on deviant art, mostly with little mini-heroes and the like, such as the little vikings and battle-axe in the future. I figured that it would be good to get some of my random stuff out there for people to see.

I also started flying kites this past week, and frisbee, and beersbee, and badminton, and other outdoor activities of fun. ^_^

I leave with a picture of the Fortresses of the little vikings, as they took some time and effort in making, but I think it was well worth it.

Hammerbeard Tower is a bastion of the Hacksilver Clan, Axenhold Fortress belongs to the Redwolfe Clan, and Ravenhelm is the namesake stronghold of the Ravenhelm Clan.

- Viking Panda

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

No good deed...

Well, I had an interesting happening this morning. Yesterday, while at work, a fellow I know (I don'tknow his name, but he is a regular, and quite nice seeming) asked if he could possibly get a ride to the bus stop the next day. You see, he is a neighbor, and I figured I would help him out, since he always seemed nice. He was moving to Alberta for work. Thus, I agreed, and today he knocked on my apartment door, and said he was ready. So I drove him to the greyhound station, and when we got there, he commented that his room mate was there. I assumed that this was because his room mate was going to see him off, as I have done a few times for my friends. They started talking in a normal manner, with "You aren't moving" "yes I am", "no you aren't", etc... However, then the room mate looked to me and shouted at me "How could you help a thief like this, do you know how much hes stolen from me??" Fuck. I drove him there, and that was all he asked for, so then I left. I figure that anything else between those two is, well, between them, and best not to get involved. Aside from those thing, lemme see..... I have been working a lot, and have been threatened much in the last week by drunks, smoking addicts, and other people. I have had to go home early because of headaches and worry about my safety, and a couple of nights ago, someone in an apartment on the third floor of my building was shot. Yeah, definitely a great part of town I'm living in. This panda needs some relaxation.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Lists & Coffee

Good morning, I'm speaking to you from beyond the binary. I am drinking a hearty cup of coffee now, and it is yummy in my stummy, but on to other matters.

The compy and all computer systems seem to be fine. As a follow up to my last (long ago) post, I got my computer fixed, under warranty, for the low price of 16 dollars in shipping costs (it did have to go to Illinois or someplace like that).

Now on to greater endeavours. But First - a word from our sponsor:

"Tired of the same old Internet grind? tired of finding the pixels in the same coordinates, over and over and over? maybe you need... FRIENDS WEBSITES! That's right, for the low price of two Nickles and a curse word, you two can visit the joy and happiness of friends websites, such as, or we now return you to our regularly unscheduled blog entry"

So what have I been up to, well, since I can't tell you in song (this is a written blog after all), ill give you fine readers the low-down... whatever that term really means.

1) I have been working on a game system. I wanted to make a basic game system that could be used for superheroes and that kind of thing. So I put to work making a system based around freedom of action and superpowers. I even was able to test run the thing with Allison, and it proved that my system needed a few upgrades. It has taken lots of time, but it seems like it could be pretty fun. Also, looking at it afterwards, I came to the conclusion that it could actually be used in other settings, not just superheroes. So I seem to have made a universal game system by accident. Oh well. :V

2) Watching lots of superhero shows/movies. This is where I was getting a lot of inspiration from, and lemme tell you; there is a lot of superhero shows. Recently I have been watching: Batman the brave and the bold, Legion of superheroes, Super Hero Squad Show, The Avengers Earths Mightiest Heroes, The Spectacular Spiderman, X-men evolution, and Young Justice. Frick yeah that's a lot of super.

3) Working the Grind. I have been working a lot, and although that's nothing interesting to yammer on about, I have gained some seniority at copperside, and am now "trusted" to not fuck everything up (a trait sorely lacking in many other employees). However, I also had an interview again for Seven Sisters, and the interview went, well, perfectly. I answered all the questions with great answers, I knew what I was talking about concerning schizophrenia, and I was consistently able to make the interviewers happy/laughing, which is an important indicator of positive reactions. I await a phone call.

4) I did get sick again, but only briefly, though I did miss a day of work. Thankfully most of my sickness happened on my two days off..... on valentines day..... blarg. Anywho, I am better, and now have only a slight case of the sniffles.

5) I have been drawing a whole bunch, mostly of the microhero and pixel art variety, which I believe will be my prominent media of art for a great long time. I have posted a bunch of it on deviant art, at and will soon be posting more junk. I have made reworked LGC characters (some vastly reworked, as the old ones now look silly by comparison), Justice League, and a variety of other characters, including Wolverine, Superman, September soldier, and the awesome Costumed Crime fighter - Squarebear.

6) I am Squarebear.

That's all for now, Good luck, and gods speed.
- Andrew