Friday, July 8, 2011

One Hell of a Hell

Howdy fine readers

Well, there is good news and bad news; the good news being that I am moving in with Allison, while the bad news is that alex has gotten very angry at this prospect.

Having given him over a months notice that I was moving, and 4 months notice that I was looking for a new place, I don't think I "sprung" this on him. However, he is annoyed, which has become frantic - today while packing, he unpacked my stuff, taking things out that he claimed was his. It was aggravating to say the least, I have already lost a cookie tin, a casserole dish, a girl guides cookie cutter (that belonged to Allison) and a few others, though he tried to claim much more.

So I decided at work that I would move early - how early? - tomorrow. so the landlady said this was okay, and I will meet her tomorrow. I also got a hold of BC hydro, and started an account. I still need to talk to telus tomorrow about Internet, but I can go without for a few days. I will use my phone more.

Finally I figured everything out, and was all ready to face my long evening of work and packing, and then my vision went fuzzy. I was getting a migraine. Of course.

So I took lots of Advil, and it minimized the effects to a dull roar. I was able to get all my work and planning and organizing done, and now I will be moving stuff tomorrow.


Here is hoping for better times in the next few days.
- Panda

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