Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I have more dentisting today. I want this dentisting to be over with. Rawr.

On the good/strange/just weird side, I watched "Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter" yesterday. It is an awesome movie where punk priests call up Jesus to help save lesbians in Ottawa from vampires. In doing so he teams up with a Mexican wrestler and gets a modern makeover. Yeah.... its as strange as it sounds, and cannot make sense while sober.

Good movie though, very epic and awesome.

Now I am off for drilling teeth and filling teeth. woot.
- Andrew Oates: Vampire Hunter

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Pandrews Kitchen: Indomie Instant Noodle

So here is a new idea I am trying out, basically a review of every persons favourite "I'm poor and influenced by Asia" meals - Noodles. I am sure other things will follow.

Indomie (or Indo Mie, not sure) Instant Noodles.

Price: 60 cents at the Northwest Specialty foods store.

Cooking: takes about 5 minutes, and is a little strange in its cooking sequence. Unlike the noodle king (Ichiban), you cook the noodles separate from the spices. The spices (Sweet soy sauce, Flavoured Oil, Chicken spice, and Chili powder) are opened and put on the plate or bowl, with the cooked noodle dropped onto it.

Well, it tastes really good, like really good. It isn't watered down like in a noddle soup, its very full flavoured, meaning probably a lot of MSG, but that's cool. although nowhere expressly stated on the package, I am sure its chicken flavoured (it is... instant... flavoured.... huh). One bad point is the quantity, you get very little for 60 cents, and although its really good, I think I would need multiple packs to have my hunger satisfied. I actually just had two in the last half hour, since they are so good.

The package is pretty standard, but as I said, does not anywhere tell what flavour it is, just that it is Instant. I did notice that it has a label of being Halal, which for those not in the knowledge, means that it is A-Okay for Muslims to eat, so that's pretty awesome. I think its honestly the first one I have seen like that.

Overall, its a good snack, or in multiples (perhaps 2 or 3) a good meal. I suggest trying it. That's all for this panda right now.

Thursday, June 17, 2010



Its been a good many days since I last updated. I apologise. The Van was recently laid up in drydock for repairs to the locks and to the radiator, which started to leak/explode/steam profusely/frighten small children. It is repaired now, and that is good.

Work is normal, SNAFU to be exact, which is also good, as I like a challenge.

Boffer is very good, and I have been participating muchly, including the donation of a sled to make a round shield. War is fun.

I have bought a case from the newest set of "Axis & Allies: War At Sea", that being set 4; "Condition Zebra". It is Awesome beans!!! Canada gets another boat, a Cruiser, and that's friggin neato. I have played a few matches, but I want to play many more.

I want to create a MicroNation, or become part of one, I'm thinking maybe becoming a naval officer for Molossia. It would be an interesting thing to put on my wall. I've always wanted to have a wall of just goofy titles and degrees and such, like "Admiral in the Molossian Navy", or "Reverend of the church of the Internet", or "Private Dick", and the like. It would be fun.

That's all for now.
- Lord Admiral Andrew David Oates

Monday, June 7, 2010


Schnitzel and Nuggets

A new lunch place has opened up in terrace, a little place called the Lunchbox, just a trailer-food place, but still good. I got a Donair, and It was yummable.

In news, the new set of Axis & Allies war-at-sea is coming out on Thursday. I am looking forward to it very much. I need to get some milk crates to put my map board on, so I can play some games with... um... someone.... hopefully....


That's all for now
- Rawr!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Fabled Utilitarian Coworking Krazies

Well, Yesterday was a tough day.

Many of the work days recently have been very tough. I feel like I have been giving training to numerous one-time-only people for a while now. I haven't been able to get a full days work done in a while now.

Yesterday I got to work only to find out that I would be working alone for 4 of the 8 hours, and it was a very busy day. So I had to be cashier, and wait for the floor person to arrive, BUT WAIT! the floor person showing up has never worked before, and doesn't know how to do anything, so I had to do all the floor duties too (or as much as I could do, not being able to leave the front). BUT WAIT! I also had to teach her everything necessary for being a cashier, so I couldn't do much other work at all, since she was scheduled to work alone as cashier the next day. BUT WAIT! I also had to do a lot of the Deli peoples heavy lifting, since they are all women, and not ALLOWED to lift the heavy stuff (refer to previous post about endemic sexism in the workplace). BUT WAIT! the cashier manager (a sub manager, who is new... and still doesn't know anything because she spends most of her time barking orders and texting on her phone) came in and told my coworker who I was training, that It didn't look like I had been doing any work (and that one really annoys me, since I was basically doing 4 peoples jobs; both cashiers, floor, training, deli stuff...). BUT WAIT! I like tom waits.

So it was a stressful day, and I don't know if I got all the things done. I know I didn't get all the floor stuff done, since, well, I wasn't supposed to be on floor, and I can't very well leave the store empty to go into the cooler for 45 minutes. Oh well

To rectify the situation I came home and immediately had myself a beer and a bubble bath. I also bitched to Alex about my work, as he was a good listening ear (while dungeoneering in WoW), and he suggested that it sounds like the manager does not care about the place, so I shouldn't worry my head over it.

Allison is back here in the terrace now, and I have been hanging out with her a bunch in between work and her family getting her to do all the "this hard work can be delegated to my children :V" stuff, like gardening. That's about it for now, I am off to gather cans and bottles to take them back, and later on tonight is boffering.

I bid thee to have a good day
- Duke Andrew